About Dr. Peterson

About Dr. Peterson

Dale Peterson, MD, is a cutting edge physician at the forefront of exposing iatrogenic illness.

Dr. Peterson is a graduate of the University of Minnesota College of Medicine. He completed his residency in Family Medicine at the University of Oklahoma. He is a past president of the Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians. He had a full-time family practice in Edmond, Oklahoma, for over 20 years and was a Chief of Staff of the Edmond Hospital. He was active in teaching for many years as a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine through the Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. Peterson left his full-time family practice in 1999 to consult with individuals who are seeking ways to restore and maintain their health through improved nutrition and other lifestyle changes. He founded the Wellness Clubs of America to give people access to credible information on supporting and maintaining their health.

Dr. Peterson has an intense interest in the design of the human body and how, given proper nutrition and support, the body is able to halt the progression of disease and restore health. His monthly wellness letter, Health By Design, and his Heath By Design E-Newsletter provide helpful information to individuals interested in preventing and conquering health challenges.  His book Building Health by Design:  Adding Life to Your Years and Years to Your Life was released in December 2010.

Dr. Peterson speaks regularly on subjects related to health and nutrition. He hosted a weekly radio program, Your Health Matters, on KTOK in Oklahoma City for five years. For the past nine years he has addressed questions from across the nation on the Center to Expose Iatrogenic Medicine weekly teleconference. He currently hosts the program Building Health by Design on Web Talk Radio.  He has made numerous television appearances on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and he is currently a popular guest on radio programs across the nation.


Dr. Peterson's Early Warning Medical Alert Track Record


  • Despite the popularity of the weight loss drug combination Phen-fen (18,000,000 prescriptions were written in 1996 alone) Dr Peterson refused to prescribe it and warned patients that the combination was dangerous.
  • On July 8, 1997 Mayo Clinic reported heart valve problems in people using the combination. FDA withdrew fenfluramine on September 15, 1997
Ephedra-based combinations
  • Dr Peterson warned patients about the dangers of ephedra/caffeine combinations when they appeared in the early 1990s.  Ephedra was banned in April 2004 following several deaths related to use of the products.

 The Real Cause of Atherosclerosis

  • Dr. Peterson wrote in October 1999  that LDL cholesterol in its native state is harmless.  He explained that it is oxidized cholesterol that is pulled into arterial walls creating plaque.  Despite the presence of hundreds of articles in the medical literature confirming the relationship of oxidized LDL cholesterol to atherosclerosis, antioxidant support is still not being recommended by the mainstream medical community.


  • In 2004, Dr. Peterson informed his followers about the need to take a comprehensive approach to lower unsafe homocysteine levels.  The next year he introduced HCY Formula. 
  • In April 2006 an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine called for development of new approaches to the lowering of homocysteine, which would target the aspects of homocysteine lowering addressed by HCY Formula.  To date, nothing has appeared on the medical scene that would do so, and physicians remain reluctant to check

Dangers of Cox-2 Inhibitors

  • In May, 2004 Dr. Peterson warned that cox-2 inhibiting drugs could interfere with the function of the small intestines, decrease kidney function, elevate blood pressure, and increase the incidence of heart failure.
  • Vioxx was pulled from the market in September 2004.  Bextra was withdrawn in April 2005.

 Dangers of Acid-blocking drugs

  • In October 2000 Dr Peterson warned HBD readers that use of acid-blocking drugs would lead to osteoporosis because of the body’s inability to absorb minerals when stomach acid is not present.  In 2006, JAMA reported that the risk of hip fracture continually increases when individuals stay on acid-blocking drugs. 
  • Furthermore, in 2004 sounded the alarm that long-term suppression of stomach acid production would lead to inflammation and potentially to stomach cancer.  His March, 2008 article reported the “epidemic” of stomach polyps, some with pre-cancerous changes, related to use of the drugs.

Dangers of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

  • Dr. Peterson wrote of challenges associated with cholesterol-lowering drugs in 2004.  A comprehensive review of the world experience with cholesterol-lowering drugs was published in November, 2005 by a prominent Japanese researcher.  He found that lowering cholesterol will shorten the lifespan of a majority of people who choose to use these drugs.

 Dangers of Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation

  • Dr. Peterson ran a multiple article series in 2007 detailing the dangers of long wavelength electromagnetic radiation.  The challenges are being ignored by almost everyone.

Ideal Body Weight

  • Dr. Peterson is one of the few doctors who have alerted people that the standard that is currently being used to define an ideal body weight is too low.  The weight category associated with the lowest incidence of disease and the greatest longevity is overweight!
  • In 2010 the Surgeon General of the United States called for a new and more reliable method of determining ideal body weight