Dr Dale Peterson, Cancer, supports

Cancer: No Magic Bullet

Cancer: No Magic Bullet

© 2000 Dr. Dale Peterson; © 2006 Wellness Clubs of America.com
"When will they discover a cure for cancer?”
I’ve been asked that question many times. I first encountered it as a pre-med student. In the 1960s people were optimistic that a cancer cure was just around the corner. As a college student majoring in the sciences I was believed by many to have inside information on the subject. That was not the case. Not then & not now.
I do not believe that medical researchers will ever find a cure for cancer. I do not believe that one exists - at least not in the sense that there is a cure for tonsillitis or athlete’s foot, or pneumonia. That is not to say that people cannot rid their bodies of the disease. It is simply to say that there is no universal answer, no magic bullet.
I do not believe that a single cure for cancer will be found because I do not believe that there is a single cause for cancer. It is brought about by a multitude of factors. As much as I am against cigarette smoking, for example, it would be incorrect to say that cigarette smoking causes cancer. It predisposes a person to cancer; it makes the occurrence of cancer much more likely, but it is not the sole cause of cancer in a particular individual.
The same may be said of other commonly recognized factors. A diet high in animal fat, exposure to asbestos particles, excessive alcohol intake and certain viral infections may make an individual more susceptible to cancer but none of these can be said to be the cause of the problem. Some people eat diets high in animal fat for their entire lives and never develop cancer. Others work with asbestos and never have a problem. Not everyone who contracts the HIV or Hepatitis C virus will develop cancer.
If, and I believe this to be true, there is no single cause of cancer it seems futile to seek one single cure for cancer. Cancer results when a multitude of body mechanisms fail. Many of these defects have been identified. Many of them can be addressed and corrected. It is my belief that no one with cancer should "put all of the eggs in one basket”. Every known aspect of the disease should be addressed. When this approach is taken most will live longer and enjoy a better quality of life than predicted and many will experience complete recovery.
It is not the purpose of this publication to discuss treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Each of these may be of value in various conditions. Anyone who has been told that they have cancer should consult with their personal physician and carefully weigh all of the available treatment options. No one should rely solely upon these treatments, however.
I am greatly dismayed when I am told that a physician has said, "Don’t take any nutritional supplements because we don’t know how they will affect your treatment.” There are many articles in the world’s medical literature showing an improved survival rate and fewer adverse effects from cancer treatments in individuals who addressed nutritional concerns. I have found none that show a lower quality of life or a lower remission rate when nutritional aspects of cancer are addressed.
Any discussion of cancer treatment should begin by addressing the spiritual state of the individual facing the challenge. Human beings are more than flesh and bone. We are complex entities that have a soul and a spirit as well. Our bodies cannot be made whole if we have a broken spirit. This is true in our day to day existence. It is a critical factor to consider when facing a life threatening condition.
In addressing the spiritual aspect of illness two questions should be asked. The first is "What is my relationship with my Creator?” and the second is "What is my relationship with other people. Foci of anger or bitterness must be released. Any regrets should be expressed. Strained relationships should be restored whenever possible. This should be done as early in the course of the illness as possible; hurts should not be allowed to linger until the end is near. An untroubled spirit may not guarantee healing in the physical body, but physical healing cannot and will not occur while the spirit is distressed.
The diagnosis should not be kept a secret. It should be made known to any and all groups of individuals who are willing to make it a matter of prayer. I say this not only as a matter of faith. The effectiveness of communal prayer has been established beyond doubt though many controlled scientific studies. It is a support that should not be overlooked or taken lightly.
The size of ones support group is not the important factor, however. Just as strained relationships lessen ones chance of survival a good relationship will increase the likelihood of remission. A recent study demonstrated that women fighting metastatic breast cancer have a better chance of survival if they have a close relationship with a good friend.
Nutrition for the mind is the second important aspect of cancer management. Anyone fighting a serious medical condition should immediately begin filling the day with bright, encouraging messages rather than the depressing stories found in the daily newspaper and on radio and television news programs or talk shows.
The full impact the type of messages we take in is often underestimated or overlooked. People who are "thinking positively” about the chances of recovery from their disease often fail to consider the impact of what they are reading and listening to on a daily basis. It is now known that tumors thrive in acidic environments. Stories that trigger anger, resentment and similar emotions cause the body to become more acidic. Unfortunately, these are the type of stories that sell most newspapers, news magazines, news shows and talk shows.
Bioenergetic issues are the third area that should be addressed. These were discussed in the January and June issues of this newsletter. The application to cancer is significant. European researchers have found a very high correlation between sleeping in a low energy area and the development of cancer. In addition, while normal cells are designed with a counterclockwise electron spin, electrons in cancer cells tend to spin in a clockwise direction.
Addendum:  Since this article was written personal protective devices have been developed to compensate for low energy zones and to protect from electromagnetic interference.
It is imperative that a person fighting cancer avoid low energy areas. While the significance of the change of spin direction is unknown at present it is reasonable to avoid substances that have or promote clockwise spin. These would include, for example, tap water, refined and microwaved foods, food additives, and chemicals such as those found in common household cleaners.
Drinking adequate amounts of pure water is very important. A guide is to drink 1 1/2 ounces of water for the first 20 pounds of body weight, 1 ounce per pound for the next 20 pounds, and 1 ounce per each 7 pounds thereafter. Using this formula a 150 pound individual would drink 30 + 20 + 16 or a total of 66 ounces (roughly eight 8 ounce glasses) daily.
Water disguised in other forms is insufficient. Many beverages have a diuretic effect – they cause more water to be excreted than was taken in – and are thus dehydrating. Coffee, tea, soft drinks and high sugar energy drinks all fall into this category.
Adequate quantities of pure water are necessary for optimum functioning of nearly all body systems. It is particularly importance in illness because the cells of the body, and the body in general, cannot get rid of toxins and other waste products without proper hydration. Accumulation of these in the body will markedly decrease the quality of life by causing tiredness, aching, and malaise. Water and other substances should be energized to correct spin and avoid draining the body’s natural energy.
It is my opinion that anyone fighting cancer should become an instant vegetarian. The world cancer literature is filled with studies showing not only a lower incidence of cancer in non-meat eaters, but increased survival and lower relapse rates as well.
There are at least two reasons for this. First, when animal fat burns it leaves behind an ash called a lipid hydroxyl radical. The body must divert resources that could better be directed to fighting the cancer to dealing with these free radicals. Secondly, animal protein burns to an acid ash. As noted earlier, acidic environments support cancer growth.
Studies are now suggesting that soy protein has a protective effect against cancer. Textured soy protein meat substitutes are therefore likely to have a positive benefit beyond simply eliminating the effects of animal fat and protein.
Addendum:  Since this article was written GMO soy has taken over the market.  Any potential advantage of eating soy products will be negated by consuming foods that have been genetically modified.  Only consume soy products that are clearly labeled "Non-GMO".  (The term organic is not relevant to this issue, since GMO foods can legally be sold as "organic".
As much of the diet as possible should be in the form of raw or lightly steamed fruits, vegetables, and cereal grains. Grains may be prepared by adding water and allowing them to soak overnight or by simmering rather than boiling.
These "live” foods contain enzymes that promote their digestion, freeing up naturally occurring body enzymes to work elsewhere. Enzymes are capable of breaking down substances that would attract the attention of the body’s immune system. When adequate enzymes are available, the immune system is better able to attack the tumor and chances of recovery are increased.
For much of my medical career I viewed cancer as an organ specific process. I had been taught and thus believed that breast cancer was fundamentally different from lung cancer and that lung cancer was different than colon cancer. I thought that each was caused by factors unique to that site and that the approach to treatment for each must likewise be unique.
I began to question the wisdom of this approach as I saw people die from their second or third "primary” tumor. One of the persons who relied upon me for advice was a breast cancer survivor. Fifteen years after her mastectomy she developed a kidney cancer that was successfully removed. Two years later she died of lung cancer.
Another initially presented with a salivary gland tumor. This was removed surgically and the area was irradiated. He was pleased to know that "they got it all.” Three years later he was found to have another primary tumor, this in his kidney. Once more the surgeon "got it all.” A year later he died of his third primary malignancy, this in his lung.
These and other experiences have led me to the understanding that while there are subtle differences between various types of cancer related to the underlying differences in the original tissues involved, there are many factors that all cancers have in common.
While it is true that different tissues respond differently to chemotherapeutic agents or radiation I no longer believe that the underlying causes or corrective measures differ greatly from one cancer to another.
This is encouraging. It means that the body’s healing mechanisms can be focused and put into action without regard to a precise pathological diagnosis, something that at times is difficult or impossible to achieve. It means that there is hope regardless of the stage or aggressiveness of the tumor. It means that it is always possible to fight back, to take control of one’s destiny, to rise above the circumstances and live with the grace, determination and peace that arises from knowing that whatever happens the challenge has been faced with courage and dignity.
Cancers thrive in acidic environments. It is therefore important to increase the body’s alkalinity. This is achieved by drinking optimum amounts of pure water, avoiding foods such as animal protein or refined sugars that burn to an acidic ash, and by taking green plant supplements. The most commonly used plant supplement for this purpose is barley green, although others are available, and may be more efficient in promoting alkalinity. Litmus paper, also referred to as pH paper, is available for determining the acid-base balance of the body. Salivary pH should be checked each morning before arising. If the saliva is not in the alkaline range (7 or higher) supplementation should be increased.
Other measures to increase alkalinity include the intake of alkali minerals such as cesium or rubidium or exposure to a negative magnetic field. These steps will not be required in most instances.
The unrestrained presence and action of free radicals in the body is another factor that promotes tumor growth. Free radicals are unbalanced molecules, usually containing oxygen, that are actively seeking a partner. Free radicals are what cause car finishes to oxidize, curtains to fade and deteriorate, and metals to rust.
These same substances taken in from the air we breathe and the foods we eat attack our bodies in a similar way. It is said that each cell in our bodies is attacked by a free radical up to 10,000 times daily! It is possible for cell membranes to be so damaged as to be unable to recognize the presence of other cells. The proximity of a neighboring cell is one of the mechanisms that controls cell division.
When the ability to sense the presence of other cells is lost rapid duplication and tumor growth can result. In addition, when free radical activity is unchecked the body’s immune system is drawn away from its work in fighting the tumor to deal with the more immediate problems generated by the free radicals.
The body has been designed with an efficient anti-oxidant defense mechanism for blocking free radical activity before irreparable damage has been done. A broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals are required for efficient functioning of this system. For that reason I advocate that optimum amounts of basic vitamins & minerals be taken on a daily basis.
All malignant cells appear to have specific metabolic defects. Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), in combination with another chemical, thromboxane A2, is able to reverse these metabolic abnormalities. Cancer cells, however, cannot manufacture PGE1 because they lack an enzyme, delta-6-desaturase, which converts linoleic acid to gamma-linolenic acid. Omega 3 oils including flax, primrose, borage, and others can allow the body to bypass the defect. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil per 100 pounds of body weight daily should be consumed.
Flax seed contains lignans, substances with antitumor effects. The seed must be ground before ingested. Purchasing and consuming a "high lignan” flax oil is an excellent way to provide this support without any additional effort or cost.
Another metabolic defect common to cancer cells is an inversion of the sodium to potassium ratio. Cancer cells have too much sodium and not enough potassium. One of the easiest dietary changes to make is to begin using a potassium-containing salt substitute for cooking rather than standard table salt, sodium chloride.
One of the most critical body systems in fighting cancer is the immune system. One element of the immune system is natural killer (NK) cell activity. These natural killer cells seek out and destroy cells that are behaving or growing abnormally.
Many substances boost the body’s immune response and thus have been touted as cancer remedies. Some include echinacea, cat’s claw, pau d’arco, Essiac, Hoxley formula, mushroom extracts, Noni, and Aloe Vera (Acemannan).
It is not necessary to take all known immune system boosters. I am dismayed when I see people who are taking a bag full of different immune boosters but who are failing to address the other aspects of tumor growth. One or at most two supplements are adequate to support the immune system.
A supplement that has been shown to have value in breast cancer is CoEnzyme Q-10. I have not seen documentation of benefit in other tumors. CoEnzyme Q-10 is a substance that is manufactured by the body. CoEnzyme Q-10 levels are known to be low in certain disease states including muscular dystrophy and congestive heart failure. Danish investigators have reported success in breast tumors by using 90-300 mg. daily. This may be due to its antioxidant effects, its ability to enhance immunologic activity, or to an as yet unknown mechanism.
Over the years I have observed that the discovery of cancer is the most shocking and devastating news an individual can receive. Many people live in fear that they will one day be told that they have cancer. It is commonly viewed as a death sentence. Anticipated is a protracted course of wasting, pain & suffering.
I do not intend to imply that I have found the cure for cancer. As I stated at the beginning of this article, there is no magic bullet. I do fervently believe, however, that the diagnosis of cancer is never a hopeless situation. We now understand more aspects of this disease and more ways to support the body’s ability to heal than any other condition. I know that individuals who were believed to have only days to live have experienced full recovery. I know that others who were "given” only a few months to live have survived for years with a good quality of life.
Perhaps, when all has been considered, the most important aspect of healing is the presence of hope. It is the knowledge that it is possible to fight back, to control the circumstances rather than helplessly letting the disease run its course.
Each person who begins to address the factors known to cause or prevent tumor growth is a victor, not a victim. After all, none of us will get out of this life alive, but we can choose to live and die triumphantly, and that makes all the difference.
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