Dr. Peterson's Blog

Dr. Peterson's Blog
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Drug Dependency - A Slippery Slope (Viewed: 3445)
Posted by Dale Peterson on August 9, 2010 @ 9:13 am

April 11th 2006 - I received the following e-mail message recently: "My mother has been taking (Prescription Drug) now for 2.5 months. To date, she has had the shakes so bad, upset stomach and diarrhea. During the first two months she has had horrible :: continue

Don't Take a "Lone Ranger" Approach to Nutrition (Viewed: 3420)
Posted by Dale Peterson on August 9, 2010 @ 9:11 am

April 4th 2006 - I recently saw an ad for a "Smoker's Vitamin". Its promoter proudly proclaimed that it was "free of beta-carotene". Beta-carotene, you see, was shown to increase cigarette smokers' risk of lung cancer in three large medical studies(the :: continue

B Vitamins Harmful? B Real! (Viewed: 4027)
Posted by Dale Peterson on August 9, 2010 @ 12:02 am

(Originally Posted March 24, 2006)The April 13, 2006 New England Journal of Medicine will carry two articles in which investigators conclude that B-vitamins are of no value in preventing heart disease and may, in fact, be harmful. Once again, it is important :: continue

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