What is iatrogenic illness?
It is a condition that is the direct result of the actions taken by a physician during the diagnosis or treatment of a patient.
Isn’t “iatrogenic” just a fancy term for medical malpractice?
Iatrogenic illness does not indicate that malpractice has occurred. In most cases, the iatrogenic illness is a predictable result of the use of a particular drug or medical procedure. Because physicians are expected to prescribe certain medications for specific conditions, they often do so to avoid accusations of medical malpractice even when those medications may significantly decrease the patient’s quality of life or result in death.
Should I expect my physician to recognize iatrogenic illness when it is present?
Unfortunately, most physicians are in denial regarding the many adverse effects of the drugs they prescribe or the procedures they perform. Studies have shown that a majority of physicians continue to prescribe a drug even when a patient reports a condition that is documented to be caused by the drug in question. I consistently see people who have an iatrogenic condition and who note a dramatic improvement when the offending drug is withdrawn. In most instances they have consulted me because their personal physician refused to consider changing the prescribed regimen.
Where can I find information about the drugs I am taking?
Articles addressing the major classes of drugs are available on this website, free of charge. Links to websites that list drug side effects are also present.
What should I do if I believe I am experiencing an iatrogenic illness?
Discuss your symptoms with the physician who prescribed the drug. If the physician dismisses your concerns and insists that you stay on the medication, seek another opinion.
My physician insists that I take a medication, but after reviewing the possible side effects I’m unwilling to do so. What should I do?
Explain to the physician that you respect his or her opinion, but that you do not want to take the drug because of the risks involved. If the physician refuses to accept your decision and demands that you take the drug as prescribed find a new physician.
Is iatrogenic illness more likely when multiple drugs are prescribed?
If a person is on more than three prescription medications there is a very high likelihood that at least one of the drugs is being prescribed to treat an iatrogenic condition caused by another. |