Geobiology: What You Can’t See Can Kill You!
Geobiology: What You Can’t See Can Kill You!
© 2000 Dr. Dale Peterson; © 2006 Wellness Clubs of
My medical career has spanned a remarkable period of human history. I entered medical school at the height of what may be called medicine’s golden age. It was a time of unrestrained optimism - and with good reason. Infectious diseases were on the wane. The World Health Organization had begun a ten-year campaign to eradicate smallpox, a goal that would be accomplished. The last known case of smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977. Polio was in a state of sharp decline and new immunizations for childhood disease such as mumps and measles had just been introduced. The advent of antibiotics in the late 1940s had dramatically changed the course of bacterial pneumonia and other killers. Tuberculosis, a disease that had caused death or disability in thousands was on the decline. Some even speculated that the sub-specialty of Infectious Disease would soon be obsolete. Technological advances were no less impressive. The dream of being able to replace failing organs was being realized with the advent of transplant surgery. Diagnostic marvels such as the CAT scanner were about to make information previously available only to pathologists available to clinicians dealing with live patients. Cancer would soon be beaten with a check-up and a check! In this exhilarating atmosphere an attitude that disease would soon be a thing of the past prevailed. Few, if any, foresaw the events that were to unfold. Medicine’s Golden Age began to decline as the 1980s arrived. Bacteria were becoming resistant to an increasing number of antibiotics. Strange new viral illnesses that we now know by names like HIV and hepatitis C were appearing. New technologies had brought with them new costs that the government, insurers and corporations now sought to contain. The expectation that cures for all diseases were available or on the horizon spawned an unprecedented number of malpractice suits. The public health picture at dawn of the 21st century is far from what was imagined thirty years ago. The incidence of cancer has not declined; it is at an all time high. Heart disease remains the number one killer in the United States. Syndromes that did not have a name thirty years ago including Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Attention Deficit Disorder are being seen in epidemic proportions. It is possible to point to many reasons for the somewhat dismal medical situation in which we find ourselves today. Diets high in artificial preservatives and hydrogenated fats but low in vitamins, minerals and enzymes certainly play a role. Addiction to amusements such as television and computer games with a resultant decline in physical activity are partly to blame. There is one factor, however, that has been almost completely ignored, although it may be the most important. The strength of the earth’s magnetic field was first measured in 1835. Since that time it has been constantly decaying. This may be of great significance to human health. One of the “new” syndromes that has been identified in the last twenty-five years is SAD, seasonal affective disorder, an often severe winter depression. SAD was initially believed to be due to lower levels of light exposure during the winter months. More recently, however, the fact that the strength of the earth’s electromagnetic field is lower during the winter months has been recognized as a second precipitating factor. A more subtle and therefore more sinister problem with the earth’s electromagnetic field has also been recognized. Dr. Ernst Hartmann of Eberbach, Germany, is a pioneer in the emerging field of geobiology. In 1950 Dr. Hartmann observed that the earth’s energy field forms a grid pattern, like a checkerboard. Grid lines in Germany run every 6 feet, 6 inches, in a north-south direction and every 8 feet, 2 inches, in an east-west direction. The lines are closer nearer the poles and may be as far as 30 feet apart at the equator. The electromagnetic energy within these lines, which are from 8 to 18 inches thick, is lower than that found in other areas. At points where the lines, called ley lines, intersect, the energy level is dangerously low. The ley lines observed by Dr. Hartmann originate in the earth’s ionosphere and are referred to as the Hartmann Grid. They are affected by storms and solar flares and vary in strength with the phases of the moon. A second set of ley lines, originating not in the atmosphere but from the magnetic core of the earth was discovered by Manfred Curry and is referred to as the Curry Grid. Ley lines are influenced by geological features such as mineral deposits, underground caverns or underground streams of water. Several clues suggest the presence of a ley intersection or underground stream. Children are quite attuned to their bodies. If a baby’s crib is placed in a low energy area he or she will cry for extended periods when placed in it. Toddlers will commonly crawl out of their bed and sleep on the floor or in another room. Bedwetting, nightmares, sleepwalking, a refusal to go to bed, dark circles under the eyes, spaciness, irritability, and hyperactivity may occur if a child's bed is in an area of low electromagnetic energy. Signs of low or unhealthy electomagnetic energy in a home or office include the onset of a health challenge shortly after moving into a home or work place, feeling better when away, previous occupants having suffered from a serious illness, an unnaturally cold or damp feeling in an area of the home or office, and an illness that seems to be worse during seasons of the year when rain is more frequent and underground streams are flowing more rapidly. The health dangers of sleeping or working within a low or chaotic energy field, are profound. Symptoms may include insomnia, awakening from sleep feeling unrefreshed, achiness, and depression. The most damaging effect is a draining of the immune system. A dysfunctional immune system is a characteristic of such diverse disease processes as cancer, chronic infections, chronic fatigue, allergies and asthma, multiple sclerosis, and a host of other health challenges. The term geopathic stress has been given to the detrimental effects of ley lines on living organisms. Geopathic stress may provide answers to questions that have been puzzling medical scientists for years. For example, the incidence of multiple sclerosis is higher in more northern latitudes.. It is certainly possible that this is because of the increased frequency of ley lines and intersections closer to the poles. How can one test to see whether he or she is sleeping or working over a ley line or intersection? The answer is quite simple. Geopathic researchers are in agreement that the human body itself is the most sensitive instrument available. When the body experiences an energy drain it will always try to protect the core. It intuitively knows that it can survive without a leg or an arm but that it cannot live without a heart. Therefore, if the body’s energy is being depleted, the extremities will become weak as energy is drawn from them toward the center of the body. Ley lines and intersections and underground streams are not the complete answer to meeting health challenges, but they are another piece of the puzzle. Everyone should check their sleeping area for energy drains. Sites such as a desk or easy chair where an individual sits for extended periods of time should also be checked. Some schools in Austria and Germany have children change seats on a weekly basis to avoid the possibility of prolonged exposure to energetically draining locations. Recovery may be quite rapid if an individual who has not suffered extended exposure to a ley intersection changes the location of his or her bed or desk. Individuals who have slept or worked in such a spot for more than two years may notice little or no initial improvement, but using an electromagnetic protective device is an important first step in the recovery process. No diet, exercise program, or supplement regimen can effectively counter the negative energetic effects of these invisible but deadly hazards. Testing for Low Energy Zones Basic technique: The test subject extends his or her arm and is asked to hold it steady. The tester places 2 fingers just above the wrist and applies firm, but gentle, pressure. The subject's arm should "lock" and remain steady within 2 seconds and 2 inches of movement. Testing technique: The test subject sits or stands in one spot for 2 minutes. The test is repeated as described under basic technique. If the test subject's arm does not "lock" within 2 seconds or 2 inches when gentle pressure is applied, an energy drain is present. Since areas of energy drain can be less than a foot in diameter, a bed should be checked in at least four areas: left-side head, right-side head, left-side foot and right-side foot. (For additional information on electromagnetic fields and health challenges see my four part series on The World's Largest Experiment.) World's Largest Experiment - Part 4 Receive the latest Wellness Updates and News. Subscribe now at |