Liposomal Vitamin C Liposomal vitamin C is the name used to describe vitamin C that has been surrounded by a fatty coating. Liposomal C is reported to achieve significantly higher tissue levels than standard, water soluble vitamin C.
INGREDIENTS: Non-GMO lecithin, powered ascorbic acid or mineral ascorbate (I prefer mineral
ascorbates because they are non-acidic and have a milder taste), and purified water
1 cup water plus 3 tbsp lecithin (soak 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally)
1/2 cup water plus 1 tbsp ascorbic acid or mineral ascorbate (Dissolve 30 – 60
minutes before blending)
2 cups water plus 6 tbsp non-GMO lecithin. (soak 3-4 hours, stirring
1 cup warm water plus 2 tbsp ascorbic acid or mineral ascorbate. Mix well to
dissolve fully.
METHOD: After soaking the lecithin and dissolving the vitamin C blend the liquids by
Pour into ultrasonic cleaner and run for at least 6 minutes. Longer is fine if
you wish. Pour into a clean glass or HDPE container and refrigerate.
USE: Take an ounce 2 or 3 times daily initially; larger quantities if you have a
serious health challenge, Cut back on the amount if your stools fragment
or become loose
I purchased an ISonic P4800
ultrasonic cleaner from Amazon. Any unit
should work; the ISonic is said to have excellent durability.