I am frequently asked my opinion of screening mammography for early detection of breast cancer. Mammograms are not entirely free of risks. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast, and x-ray exposure is a known risk factor for cancer development. This risk is downplayed by nearly all who promote screening mammography, but in January 2009 researchers from Johns Hopkins University, the National Cancer Institute, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center concluded that the benefit of early cancer detection did not outweigh the risk of radiation induced breast cancer in high-risk women under the age of forty.
If the radiation risk of annual mammography screening cannot be justified in women at the highest risk for breast cancer, what can one conclude about the risk/benefit ratio in women who are at average risk? The justification for screening mammography has been based upon the assumption that early detection of breast cancer will significantly improve the survival rate.
This does not appear to be the case. While some studies have shown that screening mammography saves lives, when taken as a whole, studies comparing the breast cancer death rate in unscreened women to that of women who have undergone routine mammography screening have failed to show a significant difference. A 2009 review by Biomed Central, reported a breast cancer survival percentage of 99.12 % in unscreened women and 99.29 % in screened women between the ages of 40 and 65. The chance that a woman will reduce her risk of dying from breast cancer by having a screening mammogram was determined to be 0.034 %.
This week the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a review of nearly 450 scientific articles on mammography risks and benefits that appeared between 1960 and 2014. The researchers, Lydia Pace, MD, MPH, and Nancy Keating, MD, MPH, concluded that the mortality benefit of mammography is "modest" and the risks of harm from screening are "significant." Editorials accompanying the article agreed that the benefit of mammography is "less than once hoped" and the potential harms are "greater than anticipated."
One of the longest running studies looking at the outcome of screening mammography is the Canadian National Breast Cancer Study. It involved 89 835 women, aged 40-59, randomly assigned to receive mammography screening or routine care without routine mammograms. The results after 25 years were reported in February 2014. The findings for women aged 40-49 and 50-59 were almost identical. During the entire study period, 3250 women in the mammography arm and 3133 in the control arm had a diagnosis of breast cancer, and 500 and 505, respectively, died of breast cancer.
The study has been under attack ever since its findings were first published in 1992. Proponents of screening mammography (primarily radiologists and others who have a vested interest) argue that the Canadian study was "poorly designed” and that advances in technology have rendered its finding irrelevant. Nevertheless, the fact remains that women found to have breast cancer by screening mammograms do not significantly increase their chance of survival compared to women who perform monthly self-breast examinations without mammography.
It is ironic that self-breast examination is no longer being promoted to the degree it was prior to the advent of annual mammography screening. Over the course of my career I have seen women who detected breast cancer by self-examination months before their annual screening mammogram was due. I am also convinced that many women intuitively recognize that a cancer is present even before it is detectable by a mammogram.
I am not opposed to the use of mammography to evaluate a breast nodule or a concern that cancer is present. I even believe that mammography should be repeated earlier than a year if a woman remains concerned that cancer may be present after an initial study failed to detect any abnormality.
I do, however, believe that women should be given an opportunity to decide for themselves whether to undergo a screening mammogram rather than having it mandated by their physicians or insurance companies. They should be told that the radiation exposure from annual exams will actually cause cancer to develop in a small number of those receiving them and that there is a significant chance that the study will indicate a need for a biopsy or treatment when no cancer is present. Most importantly, women (and men – men can also get breast cancer) should be instructed in the art of self-examination and encouraged to perform an exam monthly whether or not they choose to have screening mammograms.