trigger finger, essential fatty acids, systemic enzymes

Ask the Doc: Trigger Finger

Ask the Doc: Trigger Finger

© 2006 Wellness Clubs of

My left little finger has started “popping” when I extend it, and I have pain near the joint where it meets my hand. Do you have any idea what could have caused it and how I might correct the problem? R. P.

Dear R. P.: What you are describing sounds like what is commonly called a “trigger finger”. The condition results when a tendon has become swollen, usually as the result of trauma. Tendons lead from your fingers to the muscles in your arm. To assure smooth operation, the tendons run through lubricated sheaths. If the tendon is injured it will often swell, making its entry or exit from the sheath difficult. The finger will then “pop” as the swollen area overcomes resistance and burst into or out of the sheath.

Examples of activities that can traumatize a tendon include using a scissor or shears, clapping (especially if a ring is present on one or more fingers), or using the palm as a hammer when chopping foods.

To successfully manage the condition all traumatic activities must be identified and stopped. Systemic enzymes can be supplemented to support the body’s ability to reduce the swelling and repair the tissue damage. Essential fatty acids in the form of omega-3 oils provide the raw material for the manufacture of anti-inflammatory compounds and can aid in the recovery process.

These measures will allow the problem to resolve in most cases. When the challenge persists despite rest and surgery is performed to open the tendon sheath to allow free movement to resume. – Dr. Peterson

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