Building Health by Design - Chapter Headings and Summaries
(Chapter headings are in blue; subheadings are in red)
Modern scientific medicine is based upon the theory of evolution. Since the human body evolved by chance it is full of errors. According to this model, when disease occurs the body is the enemy and must be beaten into submission with chemicals, surgery, or radiation. The Bible teaches that the human body was designed by a benevolent creator. Intelligent design accepts that the body contains incredible healing mechanisms that can perform miracles when properly supported. This model suggests that when disease occurs the body our the greatest ally, deserving of our support. Chapter 1: The Importance of Keeping an Open Mind The first stage of knowledge is the awareness that I don’t know what I don’t know. Growth occurs when new concepts are approached with an open mind and evaluated on their merits, not on prejudice. We are called to be open minded and narrow minded – open to look at new ideas while sifting them through the narrow boundaries of absolute truth. Chapter 2: Crisis Management: Why I Do What I Do A Personal Health Crisis: There is nothing like a personal health challenge to get one to search for new answers. A Personal Spiritual Crisis: Faith matters in the real world. Crisis in Medicine: The erosion of the physician/patient relationship has done irreparable harm to medicine in the United States. Chapter 3: Effective Health Care Reform True health care reform demands that one take personal responsibility for the maintenance and repair of one’s own body. It demands that one transition from a disease care mentality to a wellness outlook. Chapter 4: A Philosophy of Wellness The Health Continuum: The state of one’s health is never stagnant. You are either moving toward improved wellness or sliding toward sickness moment by moment and day by day. Chapter 5: Treat You Body like a Palace, Not like a Garbage Dump Breathe clean air Avoid Carbonated Beverages Drink Pure Water Eat a Wellness Diet Remain Physically Active Chapter 6: Hire bodyguards to protect your cells from the bullies Free radical damage is one of the known biochemical causes of disease and premature aging. An understanding of free radicals and the body’s antioxidant defense mechanisms is needed to address this challenge.
Chapter 7: Calm Down Mr. Itis
Chronic inflammation is the second biochemical cause of disease and aging. The causes of chronic inflammation and strategies for addressing them are discussed. Chapter 8: Support Your Internal Handyman The human body is based on the element carbon. The simplest carbon molecule, called a methyl group, is used to manufacture useful compounds and for repair tasks throughout the body. When the body does not have enough methyl groups and the nutrients required to use them a chemical called homocysteine accumulates. Homocysteine, therefore, is a direct indicator of the body’s ability (or inability) to repair itself. Chapter 9: Put the Pedal to the Metal The cells of the body contain energy factories called mitochondria. Mitochondrial decline is another biochemical cause of premature aging and disease development. Mitochondrial supports are explained. Chapter 10: What You Can’t See Can Kill You Rising Disease Incidence: The incidence of cancer and diseases of the nervous system has been rising dramatically over the past two decades. The Human Body and the Electromagnetic Spectrum: The human body operates in the mid range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Exposures to radiation on either side of the spectrum are hazardous to health. Can a Honey Bee be a Canary? Can the strange disappearances of honey bee colonies be a harbinger of the demise of the human race? What Does RF/MW Research Show? While industry-funded research shows that exposure to RF/MW radiation is safe, independent studies paint a far different picture. Does RF/MW Radiation Pose a Risk to Human Health? Unequivocally, yes. Sources of RF/MW Radiation: The only place free of RF/MW radiation today is the back side of the moon. RF/MW Radiation and the Human Nervous System: Diseases of the nervous system are on the rise – largely due to exposure to RF/MW radiation. RF Syndrome: A new syndrome is believed to be affecting at least a third of the population of the earth. Protective Devices: Using standard physical formulas manufacturers can produce appliances that provide protection from damaging electromagnetic frequencies. Chapter 11: Run a System Check Most of what is going on inside the human body is computerized. Just as man-made computers can fall victim to corrupted files, so the body’s central computer can be compromised by program glitches. Fortunately, the human computer can be restored to its normal operating parameters. Chapter 12: Deal with Stress like a Duck Deals with Water When it comes to health challenges, stress causes nothing, but aggravates everything. Effective stress management techniques must be implemented to maintain good health. Chapter 13: Renew Your Mind The greatest challenges to health often arise not out of circumstances, but from the interpretation placed upon those circumstances. Chapter 14: Become a Spiritual Warrior The role of spirit beings in human illness is real, and must be addressed when present. Chapter 15: Factors You Control that Determine Your Level of Wellness The Quality of Air You Breathe What You Put Into Your Body What You Put Onto Your Body The Electromagnetic Fields You Encounter The Activities You Pursue The Quality of Rest You Receive What You Put Into Your Mind How You Nourish Your Spirit Chapter 16: A Basic Wellness Regimen Concentrate on the Basics Wellness Basics Epilogue: The Importance of Taking Action Knowledge without implementation will not bring about desired results. |