A Basic Wellness Regimen

A Basic Wellness Regimen

© 2006 Wellness Clubs of America.com
Wellness is a condition that goes well beyond "not being sick." It is the level at which the body is functioning optimally and is capable of handling the vast majority of challenges it encounters. A discussion of the Basic Wellness Regimen is given in Back to the Basics

  • Drink Pure Water (See Water:  The Essential Nutrient)
    • Water is the most important nutrient. Our bodies are 70% water; without adequate amounts of clean water we cannot be healthy.
    • Drink only distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water. Reverse osmosis is preferred.
    • Drink enough to keep your urine pale. Thirst is not an efficient mechanism for maintaining adequate hydration. To estimate the amount of water required use the following formula: 1 1/2 ounces of water for each of the first 20 pounds of body weight, 1 ounce of water for each of the second 20 pounds of body weight, and 1 ounce for each 7 pounds of body weight thereafter
    • Flush your system by drinking 16 ounces of water over a 15 minute time period mid-morning and mid-afternoon
  • Follow these rules for healthy eating (See Healthy Eating)
    • Keep your diet colorful.
    • Eat only items that would remain edible at room temperature.
    • Stick to unrefined foods.
      • Avoid refined sugars and flours. Seek out whole grain foods.
      • Avoid additives, preservatives and artificial sweeteners
    • Include vegetable oils in salad dressings or salsas.
    • Include legumes (beans, peas)
    • Keep meat portions small.
      • View meats, fish & poultry as items that provide distinctive flavors to your meals rather than the “main course”
      • Use the size of the palm of your hand or the size of a standard deck of playing cards as the size of a serving
    • Vary the foods you eat.
  • Physical Activity (See Activity:  Something for Everyone)
    • Get your body moving and keep it moving for 20-30 minutes at least every other day (3-5 times per week).
    • You are pushing too hard too soon if:
      • You cannot last for 30 minutes without stopping.
      • You cannot talk out loud while you are doing the activity.
      • You feel stiff and sore the next day.
  • Use a shower filter
    • More toxins are absorbed though our skin while we bathe or shower than through the water we drink each day.
    • If bathing, fill the tub through the shower filter.
  • Breathe Clean Air
    • An electrostatic air filter is a good start.
    • An air purifier completes the cleansing process.
  • Limit exposure to toxic chemicals
    • Use non-toxic personal care items (shampoo & conditioner, soaps, toothpaste, deodorant, sunscreen, cosmetics, etc.)
    • Use only non-toxic cleaning agents around the home and office.
  • Run a system check of the body' central computer (see Talking to the Body)
  • Take Nutritional Supplements
    • Broad Spectrum Supplement
      • No personal health challenge and no family history of heart disease or cancer prior to age 60 use New Generation 1 cap/25 pounds up to a maximum of 10/day.
      • Personal health challenge or a family history of heart disease or cancer prior to age 60 use Lifetime 1 tablet or 2 capsules/30 pounds daily
    • Green plant supplement: Miracle Green Powder 1 rounded teaspoon or Capsules 8 capsules daily
    • Calcium Magnesium Liquid 1 TBSP daily
    • Activator 1 or 2 capsules daily
    • OPC 2000 1 capsule per 50 pounds of body weight daily for 14 days, then 1 capsule per 100 pounds of body weight daily
  • Provide Mind Supplements
    • Break the “news” habit (See Good News, Bad News)
    • Listen to uplifting tapes & read good books
  • Develop a relationship with your Creator.
    • We are first and foremost spiritual beings.
    • Neglect this and nothing else matters.

This protocol is not offered as a course of treatment for any disease. It is not intended to replace standard therapies. It has been developed solely to help individuals understand which lifestyle changes and nutrients will best support the body's natural healing mechanisms.

Consultation with a physician knowledgeable in diagnosis and treatment of disease should be obtained and the use of any protocol should be discussed in the context of a complete management plan.

The opinions expressed are those of Dr. Peterson and have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other third party. They do not necessarily reflect the recommendations of any supplier of nutritional supplements.

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