Copy of Migraine

Copy of Migraine

© 2006 Wellness Clubs of
Migraine is a specific phenomenon. While it usually presents as a headache with or without an aura (seeing flashing lights, smelling a strong odor, or temporary loss of vision), it can occur as aura without the accompanying headache. For more information see Migraine: More Than Just A Headache.

  • Apply the Wellness Basics
  • Recognize and minimize trigger factors, which are additive. The more that are present the more likely a headache will occur.
    • Fatigue
    • Oversleeping
    • Bright or flickering lights
    • Missing a meal
    • High Altitudes
    • Low pressure weather fronts
    • Hormonal changes (Oral contraceptives, Onset of Menses)
    • Foods which contain tyramine (Aged cheeses, fermented sausages, sour cream, red wine, ales)
    • Chocolate (contains phenylethylamine)
    • Food additives, preservatives & artificial sweeteners (e.g. Sodium Nitrite, MSG & Aspartame)
    • Coffee, tea, & refined sugars
  • Follow the Alkalinizing Protocol
  • Detoxify Your Body
    • Two day water fast
    • Herb Combination #2, two capsules twice daily for 2 bottles
    • Taheebo (pau d’arco) 2 capsules twice daily for 2 bottles
  • Nutritional Supports
    • Lifetime 1 tablet or 2 capsules per 30 pounds of body weight daily
    • OPC 2000 1 capsule per 50 pounds daily
    • Marine Lipids 2 twice daily
    • Mag-6 1 or 2 capsules 3 times daily with meals
    • AR Formula 3 capsules twice daily initially. May increase to as many as 6 capsules 3 times daily if necessary. Maintain the lowest amount required to decrease migraine frequency and severity..
  • If migraines persist, check for IgG food allergies (see Food Allergies)

This protocol is not offered as a course of treatment for any disease. It is not intended to replace standard therapies. It has been developed solely to help individuals understand which lifestyle changes and nutrients will best support the body's natural healing mechanisms.

Consultation with a physician knowledgeable in diagnosis and treatment of disease should be obtained and the use of any protocol should be discussed in the context of a complete management plan.

The opinions expressed are those of Dr. Peterson and have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other third party. They do not necessarily reflect the recommendations of any supplier of nutritional supplements.

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