© 2006 Wellness Clubs of America.com
Heartburn or reflux is the condition in which incompletely digested food rises into the esophagus triggering a burning sensation. See Gastrointestinal Problems: How Do You Spell Relief? and GERD: The Medicalization of Indigestion.
- Follow the Wellness Basics
- Dietary Precautions
- Keep meals small, especially in the evening
- Limit the amount of “dead” (meats, cooked vegetables) food in the evening meal; emphasize “live” (raw or lightly steamed fruits, vegetables & grains)
- Avoid hot beverages
- Avoid salty foods
- Avoid milk, alcohol and chocolate in the evening
- Although not a cause of the problem, acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits may increase burning once the esophagus is irritated.
- Eat the evening meal at least 3 hours before bedtime
- Follow the Alkalinizing Protocol (Alkaline saliva is needed to protect and soothe the esophagus.)
- 1/4 Lemon in Water (Drinking the juice of 1/4 lemon in a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal will improve digestion.)
- Stop Smoking
- Wear Loose Fitting Clothing Around the Waist
- Lose Weight If Indicated (A small (5-15 pound) loss of weight will bring improvement in most individuals
- Sleep On Your Side (The right side was recommended for years. New information suggests that the left side is better. Experiment to see which works best for you.)
Elevate the Head of the Bed 4 - 6 Inches
If a hiatal hernia is present have it corrected by a practitioner skilled in doing so
- Supplementation
Prima Gest 1 to 4 with meals or Panzymes 1 to 4 with meals. (Adjust to the size of the meal and the percentage of cooked food present)
Herbal Combination # 1 1 or 2 capsules at bedtime if reflux during the night remains a problem
Aloe Vera juice 1 ounce to a glass of pure water. Sip to relieve heartburn
If one has been on a proton pump inhibitor it may be necessary to use a "step-down" drug such as Pepcid AC or Zantac for two to three weeks to limit the rebound hyperacidity associated with the discontinuance of the proton pump inhibitor.
This protocol is not offered as a course of treatment for any disease. It is not intended to replace standard therapies. It has been developed solely to help individuals understand which lifestyle changes and nutrients will best support the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Consultation with a physician knowledgeable in diagnosis and treatment of disease should be obtained and the use of any protocol should be discussed in the context of a complete management plan.
The opinions expressed are those of Dr. Peterson and have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other third party. They do not necessarily reflect the recommendations of any supplier of nutritional supplements.