© 2013 Wellness Clubs of America.com
Cancer is the name applied to the inappropriate multiplication or growth of groups of cells or tissues. It can occur in any location of the body, and is capable of spreading to other organs or tissues. For a better understanding of the causes of cancer and how to support the body's ability to fight back read Cancer:  No "Magic Bullet"

    • Follow the Wellness Basics
    • Additional dietary measures
      • Meat free
      • Keep the percentage of raw fruits and vegetables as high as possible
      • Avoid regular table salt; use a potassium containing salt substitute
      • Follow the Alkalinizing Protocol
      • Consume flax oil 1 TBSP in ¼ cup of cottage cheese daily
    • Correct Energy Drains
    • Run a system check on the body’s computer to place it an optimum healing mode
    • Supplementation
      • Ultimate Cell™ 7 capsules 2 to 4 times daily depending upon the severity of the condition
      • Liposomal vitamin C to bowel tolerance (Begin with 1 ounce twice daily. Increase until stools become loose, then back off slightly so that stools become firm again. Maintain this amount.)
      • If the homocysteine level is in excess of 7 mmol/L take HCY Formula 3 capsules twice daily
      • If the homocysteine level is less than 7 mmol/L take Activator3 capsules twice daily
    • Resolve Any Issues That Are Generating Hostility, Anger, Bitterness, or Guilt
    • Stop following "The News" and instead read uplifting books andlisten to music that boosts your spirit
    • Request support from friends and family, including activating prayer chains
    • Fight Back (Read A Little Thing Called Hope)

    This protocol is not offered as a course of treatment for any disease. It is not intended to replace standard therapies. It has been developed solely to help individuals understand which lifestyle changes and nutrients will best support the body's natural healing mechanisms.

    Consultation with a physician knowledgeable in diagnosis and treatment of disease should be obtained and the use of any protocol should be discussed in the context of a complete management plan.

    The opinions expressed are those of Dr. Peterson and have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other third party. They do not necessarily reflect the recommendations of any supplier of nutritional supplements.

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